02-07-2013, 05:07 PM
Though I agree that planes and Porsche is a great event, it was not the primary responibility of the current autocross chair to keep it going. He went uncontested in this year's election and did not commit to pnp one way or another. If people on this forum want pnp to continue step up to the plate and take it on. Just because the previous autocross chairs promoted a great event doesn't mean the current chair has to follow suit. We are a car club first and formost we do not have to find charitable organizations to donate our time or money. Now I do find it a great contribution of our club but it's not a necessity. Autocross is about running through cones in a parking lot and not making money. Again if you don't like it step up to the plate we are more than happy to promote such a great event - it doesn't have to fall under the autocross chair